15 Things I learned at the Women in Communications Conference
~15 Things I learned at the Women in Communications Conference~
This year I was privileged enough to attend the annual NYWIC conference in New York City representing Ithaca College's chapter. Now, do not get me wrong, I understood what the Women in Communications organization was all about-- the professional development of women in the communication industry. But after attending the conference my perception was much larger than my day to day work as an individual member of a small chapter of Women In Communications. I saw a larger picture of a network that connected to a plethora of colleges and universities across the region standing upon a foundation of strong influential women working towards the betterment of future woman. Here are my major takeaways after the conference:
Melissa Finney is a powerful bold African American woman with a nice bright red lipstick that opened her speech with porn discussion. She talked about this book called "How to make love like a Porn Star" and her love for Playboy and bribing her professor with 4 euro whine which all somehow connected to how she became the Director of AD Sales at Spotify. During her discuss I identified six key points:
1) Fortune favors the BOLD. Anything is possible as long as you SHOW UP!
2) Take a risk! Go work for number 2. Melissa said if you come to work for her you will get her coffee, and although she wasn't serious, at least I don't think so, Melissa drove home the point that Spotify was a company in crisis struggling to keep up against Pandora and because she was at number two they allowed her the freedom to suggest ideas and become the point person leading her to gained a ton of experience.
3) Who cares? EMAIL This is a piece of advice is for everyone who has felt like a bother sending what seems like you thousandth email, but in reality, it's the seventh. Melissa said and I quote "I know how to ignore my email, I know how to use my delete button, I know how to ignore a call, so you sending an email or calling and leaving a voicemail does not bother me because I have gotten REAL GOOD at ignoring things I do not want to see! Her point was: the worse somebody can do is delete your sh*t.
4) All you need is ONE This piece of advice originated when Melissa was talking to her friend about men; however, it can be applied to the industry. All you need is one company, one job, one YES to have your foot in the door and once you do, knock their socks off!
5) "My life fulfillment ain't in coach" Another conference goer asked Melissa should you take the job that pays you more or the job that allows you to do more. Melissa responded I am not sure if this is the right answer; however, my life fulfillment ain't in coach.
6) Givers, Takers, Matcher There are givers in this word that give and give and give, there are takers that take and take and take and matchers who recognize who you are and then plays the other role. Learn to be a matcher!
7) Life over Job Sharing another quick anecdote Melissa explains it's great to have a job that inspires you and that you are passionate about; however, it's even better to have a life that inspires you and a job that affords you the opportunities to do so. Excited after Melissa Finney's interactive speech I attended my next panel called: Finding Your Best Opening Act: Exploring First Internships and Jobs Room with panelist Ashley Schwartz Lavares, Associate Producer of ABC NEW, Opal Vadhan, Executive Assistant to Secretary Hilary Rodham Clinton, and Courtney Connley, Careers Reporter of CNBC.
8) Pure intentions! Melissa hinted on this in her speech, but so did Courtney and Ashley in their panel discussion. Be genuine with your interactions, because it is really easy to see through the bullshit.
9)Try something new BEFORE your career It is extremely hard to leave your career to do something new, so before you get wrapped up in everything else around you try an internship outside your comfort zone it might lead you to a new passion or help narrow your scope.
10) COVER LETTERS: get to the point! Everybody and I do mean everybody hates cover letters! However, the point of the cover letter is to get to the point and yes that is extremely contradicting when the point is to expand on the things stated in your resume. Here are the tips: state what you want to do, share your skills, and acknowledge how your career goals aline with the company goals, Ashley said that should be the first sentence do not bury it.
11) Pen and paper Handwritten thank you notes seem to go a long way, who knew! Everybody can send an email it takes about three seconds; however, the time and energy it takes to write and address a thank you note is so much more meaningful. Opal stated she keeps an addressed thank you note every time she has an interview, once her interview is finished she then places it in the mail.
12) Exit gracefully This is for all those rising seniors who have or will have a full-time job, a 9 to 5 that's rough, but if you plan on leaving put in the two-week notice, so the company can find and train somebody in your position. However, try and stay in the company for about a year before exiting gracefully it looks a lot better when you apply to your next job.
13) FOLLOW UP! FOLLOW UP! FOLLOW UP! I think this goes without saying, a follow-up email never killed anybody! Wait about two weeks and then send a follow-up email to gain the status of your application.
14) Elevator Speech It's good to do your research on the company and key individuals you wish to talk to; however, this is pointless if you have not done research within yourself. Prepare what is called an elevator speech, a 30-second pitch that explains, who you are what you have done (start with the most recent) and where you want to be.
15) Negotiate Remember that when you negotiate it is a discussion, often times as interns we fail to realize the worth of our times and skill set. Do your research! Know how much other interns in the area are getting paid and ask for more.
I expected this conference to be like every other conference, they feed you horrible unseasoned food, talk your ear off for hours then repeat the cycle until you can barely hold your eyes open, and finally let you go home! But NYWICI was completely different, it was an interactive conference where I could ask questions, explore what interests me, network with women in my industry and obtain advice that will further my career. I want to thank my chapter for giving me the opportunity and also NYWIC for orchestrating such a lovely conference.