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Lending Threads to Local Women

As philanthropy chair for IC Women in Communications, my goal for this year was to help a local non-profit dedicated to helping women. In the Ithaca community we are lucky to have an abundance of non-profits, and some specifically to help local women. One of these organizations is Women's Opportunity Center. From their website:

The Women's Opportunity Center originated from a group formed in a local woman's kitchen in 1979 that helped displaced homemakers enter the workforce after divorce, separation, or widowhood. Since then, the WOC has been part of the statewide Displaced Homemakers Program, which presently includes 13 centers across New York State.

Current programs offered by the WOC include job search and preparation workshops that emphasize job retention and the development of essential computer skills, career development, and the success of families in reaching their goals. The Women's Opportunity Center is celebrating 35 years of Service to the community this year.

ICWIC is a place tailored to help in the professional success of undergraduate students. We learn skills like resume writing, networking, and interviewing. WOC shares in this mission in helping place women in jobs in the Ithaca area. The difference is that as college students, we have great privileges; we have a place to call home, we have food to eat, and outfits to choose from. Many clients of WOC are not only trying to find employment but often taking care of a family without some of these basic necessities we take for granted.

On Wednesday November 8th ICWIC hosted a professional clothing drive for WOC. We collected over 30 articles of professional wear and $70+ to go towards laundry supplies. This is just one of the few ways we as college students can help those in our community, those that we often overlook.

If you would like to make a tax-deductible donation to Women's Opportunity Center, go to:

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