Wanted: Representation
{Trigger Warning: rape, violence, homophobia} Last week, ICWIC brought out a classic to watch and discuss. Miss Representation is a film...

The Sadie Hawkins Dance Recap
On April 8th at 7pm ICWIC held their first annual Sadie Hawkins Dance. This project has been in the works for many semesters, and now it...
Listen To What You Like
As a member of ICWIC for the past two years, my favorite meetings are always our Skype sessions with women who work in the realm of...

Getting Comfortable with Being Uncomfortable
At the Beauty Standards of Women in Non Traditional Roles Panel co-sponsored by Ithaca College Women in Communications, we got hella...

4 Places That’ll Help You Land Your Dream Internship
Internships.com With a very large database, internships are posted daily. Which of course means a large and competitive pool. But if...

How Do I Write A Cover Letter?
If you’re like me you’re starting to stress yourself out. It’s march. You’re halfway through another semester, one step closer to another...

Resumes and Linking-In
This past Wednesday evening, ICWIC held their second meeting of 2018 with an information-packed session regarding resumes and LinkedIn....

An ICWIC Guide to NYWICI Scholarships
Every year NYWICI gives out scholarships to a few deserving communications students. The process includes an initial application, a phone...

Letter from the President.
Freshman year, my friend Kathy mentioned IC Women in Communications to me. Being both a woman, and someone studying communications, I...
What's Your Brand
Often times, people feel the need to determine who you are by asking, “So, what do you do for a living?” What’s unfortunate is that we...

Many Facets of A Career In Communication
We’re far past the time when you would enter an industry and stay down a linear path for an entire career. The jobs of the future don’t...
Teaching Kindness and Persistence with Tiffany Pham
At the NYWICI Student Communications Career Conference on November 18th, there was no shortage of incredible capable women. The only way...
Lending Threads to Local Women
As philanthropy chair for IC Women in Communications, my goal for this year was to help a local non-profit dedicated to helping women. In...
Linking In
This past rainy Thursday night, a group of passionate women communicators got together to discuss how to best use the elusive LinkedIn....
What even is a Cover Letter?
Professor Jessica Slentz graced IC WIC today, offering a quick, condensed presentation on cover letter tips. Professor Slentz recently...